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MS Nordstjernen
MS Nordstjernen
  • Code: HGR-164287
  • Photographer: Schibsted Partnerstudio
  • Credits: Schibsted Partnerstudio / Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Copyright: Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • MS Nordstjernen
  • HGR-164287
  • July 2023
  • Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Schibsted Partnerstudio / Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Original (3208 x 2134)
  • Medium(JPG) (1920 x 1277)
  • Small(JPG) (1080 x 718)
Ice cave tour with snowcat
Ice cave tour with snowcat
  • Code: HGR-151909
  • Photographer: Håkon Daae Brensholm / Visit Svalbard AS
  • Credits: Håkon Daae Brensholm / Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Copyright: Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Keywords: Snowcat, ice cave
  • Ice cave tour with snowcat
  • HGR-151909
  • Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Håkon Daae Brensholm / Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Original (3078 x 4104)
  • Medium(JPG) (1440 x 1920)
  • Small(JPG) (810 x 1080)
Ny-Ålesund – Svalbard
Ny-Ålesund – Svalbard
  • Code: HGR-120350
  • Photographer: Shutterbird Production
  • Credits: Marike Kuyper
  • Copyright: Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Keywords: Svalbard, Ny-Ålesund train history culture summer nature
  • Ny-Ålesund – Svalbard
  • HGR-120350
  • The old train in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
  • Hurtigruten Svalbard
  • Marike Kuyper
  • Original (4479 x 2760)
  • Medium(JPG) (1920 x 1183)
  • Small(JPG) (1080 x 666)
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